Intercomparison and pilot studies
The CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA) is the framework through which National Metrology Institutes demonstrate the international equivalence of their measurement standards and the calibration and measurement certificates they issue. The outcomes of the Arrangement are the internationally recognized (peer-reviewed and approved) Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) of the participating institutes. Approved CMCs and supporting technical data are publicly available at the CIPM MRA database (the KCDB).
The technical basis of the CIPM MRA is the set of results obtained over the course of time through scientific key comparisons carried out by the Consultative Committees of the CIPM, the BIPM and the Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs), and published by the BIPM and maintained in the CIPM MRA database.
The key comparisons are essentially of two types:
  1. CIPM key comparisons
  2. RMO key comparisons
CIPM key comparisons, of international scope, are carried out by those participants having the highest level of skills in the measurement involved, and are restricted to laboratories of Member States. The CIPM key comparisons deliver "the reference value" for the chosen key quantity. The CIPM key comparisons are made of set of CC comparisons (Consultative Committees) and BIPM key comparisons. The difference between these two is that CC chooses the key quantities to be compared in its field of expertise, approves the protocols of the key comparisons, and approves their results before publication in the KCDB and BIPM comparisons are organized as ongoing series of bilateral comparisons between the BIPM and outside laboratories.
RMO key comparisons, of regional scope, are organized at the scale of a region (though they may include additional participants from other regions) and are open to laboratories of Associates as well as Member States. These key comparisons deliver complementary information without changing the reference value. The protocols of the results can be linked to the results of CC key comparison after calculation of a key comparison reference value and degrees of equivalence.
Except of the key comparisons the CIPM MRA-D-05 describes two more categories of comparisons:
  1. Supplementary comparisons
  2. Pilot studies.
Supplementary comparisons are comparisons, usually carried out by an RMO to meet specific needs not covered by a key comparison, for instance measurement of specific artifacts, quantities, or measurements of parameters not within the "normal" scope of the CC. In particular, they may include laboratories which would not fulfill the requirements for participation in a key comparison.
Pilot studies are normally undertaken to establish confidence in measurement for a "new" field or instrument, or as a training exercise. Specific purposes of a pilot study may be testing of the new instruments, testing of new methods at an early stage, preparation of key comparison, training, etc. While the results of key and supplementary comparisons are directly used to support CMC publications of the participating NMIs, the results of pilot studies alone are normally not considered as sufficient evidence.
IMBiH's laboratories regularly participate in international comparisons and thus, prove their CMCs. The list of all comparisons in which IMBiH participated is presented in the following table.
Organization Code Type Laboratory Field Description Link
EURAMET EURAMET.RI(I)-S18 Supplementary LI Supplementary comparison in Ionizing Radiation, Section I (x and gamma rays, electrons) Calibration coefficients for ambien dose equivalent - H*(10) for photon radiation Link
COOMET COOMET.M.FF-S7 Supplementary LV Supplementary comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Liquid volume Link
EURAMET EURAMET.QM-S11 Supplementary LH Supplementary comparison in Amount of Substance, Inorganics Elements in river water Link
GULFMET GULFMET.EM.BIPM-K11 Key LE Key comparison in Electricity and Magnetism, DC Voltage and Current DC voltage, Zener diode Link
GULFMET GULFMET.EM-S1 Supplementary LE Supplementary comparison in Electricity and Magnetism, Resistance Comparison of resistance standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.FF-K4.1.2016 Key LV Key comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Liquid volume: 20 L Link
EURAMET EURAMET.T-K7.4 Key LT Key comparison in Thermometry, Fixed Point Cells Comparison of water triple point cells Link
COOMET COOMET.T-S2 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry, Industrial thermometry Calibration of industrial platinum resistance thermometers in thermostats Link
COOMET COOMET.EM-S19 Supplementary LE Supplementary comparison in Electricity and Magnetism, Resistance Comparison of electric resistance standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.M-K4.2015 Key LM Key comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Comparison of mass standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.T-K9 Key LT Key comparison in Thermometry, Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers Realizations of the ITS-90 from 83.8 K to 692.7 K
EURAMET EURAMET.M.FF-K6 Key LV Key comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Low pressure gas flow Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.P-S13 Supplementary LM - pressure Supplementary comparison in Mass, Pressure Digital pressure gauge comparison in the range of 10 MPa to 100 MPa of liquid pressure Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.M-S7 Supplementary LM Supplementary comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Comparison of mass standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.M-K2.5 Key LM Key comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Comparison of mass standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.P-K1.c Key LM - pressure Key comparison in Mass, Pressure Pressure measurements in gas (gauge mode) Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.M-K2.2 Key LM Key comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Comparison of mass standards Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.M-K4.2 Key LM Key comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Comparison of mass standards
EURAMET EURAMET.M.P-K8 Key LM - pressure Key comparison in Mass, Pressure Pressure measurements (gauge and absolute mode) Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.P-S7 Supplementary LM - pressure Supplementary comparison in Mass, Pressure Pressure measurements in Nitrogen (absolute mode) Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.FF-S2 Supplementary LV Comparison of water flow calibration Volumetric flow rate: 1 m3/h, 2.5 m3/h, 5 m3/h, 7.5 m3/h and 10 m3/h Link
BIPM CCTF-K001.UTC Key LE Key comparison in Time and Frequency, Time Calculation of the reference time scale UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
EURAMET EURAMET 1350 Comparison of sub-multiples of the kilogram Link
EURAMET EURAMET.QM-S13 Supplementary LH Suplementary comparison in Amount of Substance, Organics Comparison of value assigned forensic alcohol in water reference materials
EURAMET EURAMET 1484 Supplementary LV Supplementary comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Liquid volume: micropipette 1000 mL and flask 100 mL Link
COOMET 680/RU-a/16 Key LV Key comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Comparisons of national standards in the field of gas flow rate and volume, gas flow rates from 20 to 6500 m3/h Link
EURAMET EURAMET.QM-S14 Supplementary LH Supplementary comparison in Amount of Substance, Organics Comparison of measurement capabilities for the quantification of ethanol in water
SIM SIM.QM-K27.2019 Key LH Key comparison in Amount of Substance, Organics Ethanol in Aqueous Matrix: subsequent 1
EURAMET EURAMET 1455 Pilot LH Comparison on determination of gold content in white alloy Comparison on determination of gold content in white alloy Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1442 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Humidity Relative humidity from 10 %rh to 95 %rh at temperatures from -10 °C to 50 °C Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1382 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Humidity Comparison of the realisations of the dewpoint temperature in the range from -40 °C to 20 °C Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1357 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry Inter-laboratory comparison of triple point of water (TPW) cells Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1358 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry International comparison of the calibration of thermocouple by comparison in the temperature range from 0 °C to 1100 °C Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1338 Bilateral LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry Comparison of the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers in the range -40 °C to 230 °C by comparison Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1268 / EURAMET.T-S3 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry Calibration of thermocouples in fixed points and/or by comparison from 419,527 °C (freezing point of zinc) up to 1492 °C (Pd-C eutectic fixed point) Link
EURAMET EURAMET 1251 Supplementary LT Supplementary comparison in Thermometry Comparison of the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers in the range -80 °C to 300 °C by comparison Link
EURAMET EURAMET.M.FF-K6 Key LV Key comparison in Mass, Fluid Flow Comparison of the Primary (National) Standards of low-pressure Gas Flow Link
IMBIH together with the Turkish National Metrology Institute - TUBITAK UME has the role of coordinator in the supplementary comparison EURAMET.QM-S11 - Elements in river water, and IMBIH – IW (Institut za vode, Bijeljina) designated institute of IMBIH for chemistry is participant in the named comparison. Another comparison where IMBIH also has the role of the coordinator is the pilot study EURAMET 1455 - Comparison of determination of gold content in white alloy.