Laboratory for Verification

Legal metrology system management, which ensures the accurate and internationally harmonized measurements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the responsibility of the Institute of metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Institute of metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina creates this system by adopting metrology regulations and by providing adequate metrology resources, both within the Institute and within other parties of the legal control defined by the Law on Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Laboratory for verification of measuring instruments (LVM) has been in the system of nominated metrological laboratories since the establishment of the Institute of metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the laboratory has been assigned the role to verify measuring instruments in the framework of legal metrology by the Law. The role of LVM in the framework of legal metrology is to provide clear, accurate, impartial, and independent services for verification of measuring instruments to the stakeholders in accordance with applicable regulations in the framework of legal metrology in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to protect interests of its citizens. 

Until the entry into force of the Rulebook on nominated measurement laboratories (Pravilnika o imenovanim mjeriteljskim laboratorijima) ("Official Gazette of B&H" No. 75/14), LVM proved its competences according to the requirements arising from the Law on metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zakona o mjeriteljstvu Bosne i Hercegovine) ("Official Gazette of B&H", No. 19/01), which she proved by obtaining the Decision on nomination given by the Institute of metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Rješenja o imenovanju izdatim od strane Instituta za mjeriteljstvo Bosne i Hercegovine).

Baring in mind the importance of LVM in the legal metrology system in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the protection of its citizens, on the August 30th, 2016 LVM gained the status of an accredited body and thus proved that it meets the requirements of the standard BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2013 for the inspection body Type A. This represents the highest degree of impartiality that the laboratory can have in performing the verification of measuring instruments. The Laboratory for verification of measuring instruments is the first laboratory in the field of mass and length that met the requirements for conducting the first verification in accordance with the bylaws that are in force. The Institute of metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an independent state administrative organization that is independent of production, sale and maintenance of measuring instruments that are subject to verification, by which the necessary conditions are met for LVM to act as a third party, i.e. as a Type A Inspection Body in accordance with the requirements described in standard BAS EN ISO / IEC 17020. Besides, this is the first laboratory in the area of mass measurements that met the requirements for conducting the first verification in accordance with the Order on non-automatic weighing instruments, thus fulfilling the requirements to be nominated as notified body by the Institute, in accordance with the aforementioned Order.  

Main objectives of the quality system in LVM are:

  • Continuous progress in providing services of verification of measuring instruments with the aim of protecting the interest of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
  • Continuous progress on improving implemented quality management system, education of the personnel, procurement of measuring equipment and mutual relations of the personnel.
  • Realization and maintaining of the status of nominated measurement laboratory. 
  • Expanding the specification of LVM services in order to satisfy the needs of the metrology system of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of legal metrology.
Azmir Alić
Manager of the Laboratory
Ešef Dević
Technical Manager of the Laboratory for verification of measuring instruments
Dženana Čizmić
Tehnički rukovodilac laboratorije za verifikaciju mjerila, oblast tečna naftna goriva